Ever imagined what you would look like without the firm matrices produced by a large variety of cells? Exactly, like a sophisticated jelly fish! This immediately underlines the importance of the Dutch Society for Matrix Biology.
The Society for Matrix Biology (in Dutch: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Matrix Biologie, abbreviated as NVMB) aims at promoting scientific research of both fundamental and applied nature into the characteristics and function of the extracellular matrix in health and disease.
The NVMB unites researchers in the field of matrix biology from all Dutch universities and other research institutes.
The two-day Annual Meeting, held once a year, is an excellent opportunity for establishing and renewing contacts and has a special focus on PhD students working in matrix biology. It offers them the opportunity to present their work in a friendly, yet knowledgeable and critical environment and to start or expand their network.
Among other activities, the NVMB awards a number of prizes during the meeting, among which the prestigious Pauline van Wachem and the van den Hooff awards, and as custodian of the funds from the Foundation for the Promotion of Connective Tissue Research (“Stichting Bevordering Bindweefselonderzoek”) it awards every year the “Bertus Kemp Prize” for the best doctoral thesis defended during the preceding year.
In short, becoming a member of the NVMB has many advantages for both junior and senior researchers in the area of Matrix Biology. See for conditions and contact details here.
Please visit and join the dicussion forum of the NVMB at LinkedIn.
The NVMB is member of the FMWV (Federatie van Medisch-Wetenschappelijke Verenigingen).